教務處註冊組 Division of Registration


自111年1月3日起應屆畢業生於完成畢業離校程序,領取中文紙本證書三個工作日內系統將以EMAIL寄送教育部版數位學位證書,應屆畢業生辦理離校前請再次確認您所留之EMAIL是否正確,爾後數位證書亦可登錄校務資訊系統/數位學位證書 逕行下載。原圖靈鏈公司發行之數位學位證書停止核發。

From January 3, 2022 on, the current graduating student will receive the Digital Diploma of Ministry of Education’s version with the hard copy of your degree certificate within 3 working days after he/she completes graduation school-leaving procedure. The system will send your digital diploma via email, please re-check your email in Academic Information Systems (referred to as “AIS” hereinafter) before you start your school-leaving procedure. After receiving your digital diploma, you can re-download your digital diploma in AIS in the future. The Turing Chain’s version won’t be issued any more.   

After revising AIS programs, the Division of Registration will announce further instructions about how the alumni, who were graduated before December 2021, apply for digital diplomas in the future.

