110學年度校本部暨南大校區106學年度以後入學學生畢業離校程序公告(2022School leaving procedure notice)
- 110學年度學士班畢業生學位證書領取日期、時間如下:
1. 2022 under graduate student degree certificate collection date and time as follows:
學士班 |
6月17日起 |
Under graduate student |
June 17th 2022, onwards |
- 110學年度碩、博士班畢業研究生學位證書領取日期、時間如下:
2. 2022 Master, Doctoral degree certificate collection date and time as follows:
Oral defense date
Certificate collection schedule |
碩士班Masters |
每月月底前 |
At the end of each month
博士班PhD |
隨時可口試 No need to wait till end of month, after oral defense. |
口試成績送達後三日 Doctoral awardees can collect certificate after 3 business days |
Collection location: Administrative Building (1st Floor) Registration Section.
In response to the elevated domestic COVID-19 pandemic, in order to reduce the risks caused by human-to-human contact, it is recommended that students have met all the requirements for obtaining a degree, go through the school-leaving procedures on the NTHU Academic Information System without coming to school in person.
- 說明(Before collecting certificates please pay attention to the following):
- 領取證書前請先確認影響畢業之成績已到齊(畢業相關門檻已完成,尤其請留意是否已完成英文能力檢定之登錄--僅學士班需確認)、完成離校手續(研究生論文口試成績及論文一本—為響應環保,建議以雙面列印),於上班時間內至本組領取
1. Please confirm the all your course results are visible on the academic information system also, please pay attention to grades of courses which affect your graduation, whether the completion of the English ability to verify the registration) and also complete the school leaving procedures. In response to environmental protection, it is recommended to double-sided printing, to be handed to the Department and transferred to the registration group, during the working hours.
- 請於開學前完成離校並領取畢業證書(111年9月8日以前)。
2. Please complete the school leaving procedure and collect your certificates before the beginning of the fall semester (September 8th 2022). Falling which PhD, Master students have to retake oral defense again according to school rule.
- 碩士班學生寒暑假可口試,惟在註冊日前口試者需辦理提前註冊。
- Master and PhD students have the provision of appearing in oral defense during summer and winter breaks. Please register and pay in advance.
2. 依本校學則第五十六條:「…指導教授除須具備學位授予法規定之學位考試委員資格外,其餘由各系、所、學位學程自行規定,但至少須有一人具本校專任助理教授以上之資格,本校專任教師退休,其退休前尚有已持續指導 三學年(含以上之博士生,或持續指導三學期(含)以上之碩士生未完成 學位考試者,經原 服務系所、學位學程主管同意,不受前項「至少須有一人具本校專任助理教授以上之資格」限制。」,符合上開規定之退休教師, 系所確認其資格後可至 「研究生學位考試」項下「退休老師擔任指導教授 審核」將學生之指導教授建入系統,學生即可列其為指導教授。
2. Article 56 Graduate students shall select an academic advisor as per the requirement of the department, institute, and/or degree program, and shall propose a thesis/dissertation under the consent of the academic advisor before graduation, and register the thesis/dissertation with Academic Affairs at the consent of the person in charge of the department, institute, and degree program. The spouse, kindred within the 3rd tier under the civil law, or relatives from marriages to the graduate students shall not act as the academic advisor. The academic advisor shall be qualified as a member of the degree examination board under the Degree Conferral Law, and shall meet the requirements set forth by individual departments, institutes, and degree programs. At least one of the academic advisors shall be a full-time assistant professor or higher position of the university.
3. 若因次學期出國交換需延後畢業者,請同學至註冊組網站下載[延後畢業申請表]送至註冊組申請。
4. The relevant information and forms are published in the latest section on the registration office websitehttps://registra.site.nthu.edu.tw/?Lang=zh-tw
註冊組啟 111.5.16
Registration division 16.5.2022
大學部畢業離校程序 (ClearanceProceduresforUndergraduates--Bachelor)
研究生畢業離校程序 (ClearanceProceduresforGraduates--Master-PHD)
畢業論文封面格式樣本MA(Cover Sample for master)