教務處註冊組 Division of Registration

113學年度第二次申請逕行修讀博士學位公告 Application for Direct Pursuit of PhD Degree in 113 Academic Year


國立清華大學碩士班研究生逕行修讀博士學位作業規定,請參閱網頁 https://registra.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1211-1838.php?Lang=zh-tw
國立清華大學學士班應屆畢業生逕行修讀博士學位作業規定及各系所訂定之學業成績認定標準請參閱網頁 https://registra.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/412-1211-1823.php?Lang=zh-tw

Application for Direct Pursuit of PhD Degree in 113 Academic Year

For the graduating students in the Bachelor's program and students in the Master's program who want to apply for Direct Pursuit of PhD Degree, please submit your application to the intended PhD program before the deadline set by each Department (Institute and Degree Program).
Please download the “Application Form for Direct Pursuit of PhD Degree” at the bottom of this webpage.
